Health: Your Posture (1953) 512Kb MPEG4 format 43.2 mb Health: Your Posture (1953) MPEG2 282.1 mb. Health: Your Posture (1953) OGV format 43.4 mb which is a free, open standard container format maintained by the Xiph.Org Foundation. The OGV format is unrestricted by software patents and is designed to provide for efficient streaming and manipulation of high quality digital multimedia. animated gif, 22 frames
Rick Prelinger and The Internet Archive hereby offer these public domain films from Prelinger Archives to all for free downloading and reuse.
You are warmly encouraged to download, use and reproduce these films in whole or in part, in any medium or market throughout the world. You are also warmly encouraged to share, exchange, redistribute, transfer and copy these films, and especially encouraged to do so for free.
Any derivative works that you produce using these films are yours to perform, publish, reproduce, sell, or distribute in any way you wish without any limitations.
This statement of rights describes the rights granted to you so that you can use films from the online Prelinger collection at the Internet Archive.
This movie is part of the collection: Prelinger Archives. Producer: Centron Corporation. Sponsor: N/A. Audio/Visual: Sd, B&W. Keywords: Health and hygiene, Creative Commons license: Public Domain